آ. منابع فارسی
1- قانون اساسی کانادا، (1391)، زیر نظر عبدالمجید عقیقی و ترجمه مهدی رستگار اصل، تهران: معاونت حقوقی ریاست جمهوری، ، ویراست دوم.
2- گیل، پیتر (1380)، سیاستهای پلیسی، با ترجمه معاونت پژوهشی دانشکده امام باقر (ع)، تهران: دانشکده امام باقر (ع).
3- دارینی، علی (تابستان 1380). «اختیارات فوقالعاده عالیترین مقامات اجرایی»، مجله راهبرد، ش20، صص200-214.
ب. منابع لاتین
4- Gross, Oren and Fionnuala Ni Aolain (2006), Law in Times of Crisis; Emergency Powers in Theory and Practice, New York: Cambridge University Press.
5- Gross, Oren (2011), “Constitutions and Emergency Regimes” in Comparative Constitutional law ed. Tom Ginsburg & Rosalind Dixon, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp.334-355.
6- Henstra, Daniel (March 2003), “Federal emergency management in Canada and the United States after 11September 2001 ”, in Canadian Public Administration, Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 103-116
7- Henstra, Daniel (2011),”Municipal Emergency Management”, available in: http://www.crhnet.ca/canadian-disaster-management-textbook-chapter-4
8- Lindsay, John (2014), “The Power to React: Review and Discussion of Canada’s Emergency Measures Legislation”, The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 18, Issue. 2: 159-177.
9- Marx, Herbert (1970), “the Emergency Power and Civil Liberties in Canada”, McGill Law Journal, Vol.16
10- Niemczack, Peter and Philip Rosen (2001), “Emergencies Act”, available in:
11- Scheppele, Kim L. (2006), “North American emergencies: The use of emergency powers in Canada and the United States”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Volume 4, Issue 2, 1 April 2006 , Pages 213–243.
پ. سایتهای اینترنتی
12- https://appointments-nominations.gc.ca
13- http://www.astho.org
14- https://canada.ca
15- http://casebrief.me
16- http://constitutional.findlaw.ca
17- http://independent.co.uk
18- http://justice.gc.ca
19- http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca
20- http://publications.gc.ca
21- https://publicsafety.gc.ca
ت. قوانین
22- Constitution Act (as British North America Act (BNA Act) (1867) and The Canadian charter of Rights and freedoms (1982)
23- Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) (Bill C-36) (2001)
24- Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) (Bill C-51)(2015 (
25- Canadian Passport Order (Last amended 2015)
26- Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (1985; last amended 2017)
27- Combatting Terrorism Act (2001)
28- Constitution of Transitional measures Act (1947)
29- Criminal code (1985; last amended 2017)
30- Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (2005; last amended 2013)
31- Emergencies Act (1985)
32- Emergency management act (2007)
33- Emergency Powers Act
34- Emergency Preparedness Act(1985)
35- Housing and Rent Act (1947)
36- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (2001; last amended2017)
37- Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act (2012)
38- National Emergency Transitional Powers Act (1945)
39- Nuclear Terrorism Act (2013)
40- Prevention of Terrorist Travel Act (2015)
41- Proceeds of crime (Money Laundering) and terrorists Financing Act (2000; last modified 2013)
42- Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act (2015)
43- Public Order (temporary measures) Act (1970)
44- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (1985)
45- Safe Streets and Communities Act (2012)
46- Secure Air Travel Act (2015)
47- Security of Canada Information Sharing Act (2015)
48- War Measures Act (WMA) (1914)