An Introduction to Government Expenditures in Islam

Document Type : Extension Article





Governments have always been one of the most important political institutions that have been tasked with guiding society and meeting the public requests of the people. In fact, the policies of any government can be considered as one of the most important factors influencing the developments and currents of that society. One of the most important aspects of this policy is economic policies that are formulated and implemented in accordance with the goals of each society, in other words, it expresses the goals and policies of that society. Since the ultimate goal in Islamic society is to attain divine knowledge, it is necessary to pay attention to both the hereafter and the worldly dimensions. Also, the domination of the government on its extensive duties in these two dimensions is considered an important step towards achieving the goals of Islamic society. Accordingly, one of the most important economic policies in Islam is "government expenditures", which has been a vital and important issue since the beginning of Islam. What is discussed in this article is the study of these costs based on the sources of narration and the opinions of Islamic jurists and scholars and an attempt has been made to clarify and explain the demands and expectations of Islam regarding the expenses of the Islamic State


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 14 November 2020