The Nature of the Forfaiting Contract in Iranian law and United States of America

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Member of faculty of Imam Sadiq University

2 Master of Private Law


The principle of speed in the international trade requried, first to the end  of business operations carry out without any delay; To achieve this, the need for liquidity will be one of the most important barriers.
Accordingly, to avoid losing business opportunities and close competition in the field of international trade, Time to lose opportunity will not come. On the other hand, new methods of financing against costly and complex methods of the past are more and more important for international trade activists and international investors. Financing method of forfaiting causes that the financial and business needs of business activists and investors to be met In the shortest possible time and in the least harmful way. Including the need for liquidity, can be met at the shortest cost, in order to survive in the best possible conditions.
In this study, considering the international laws and regulations, as well as the examination of the US Uniform Commercial Code and the domestic laws of Iran,we will explain the concept, nature and effects of the Forfaiting Agreement.


الف- فارسی
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