Investigation of the principles of fair trial in criminal courts according to the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Doctor of Criminal Law and Criminology,Court of Appeal of Tehran Branch 63

2 PhD student Khorasgan Azad University


In the Islamic Republic of Iran, following numerous criminal procedures, the penal code was finally approved in 2013. This regulation pays great attention to detail. The principles of fair trial include principles such as general guarantees, including the right to litigation, Independence and impartiality of the reference authority, the equality of defense facilities, the availability of facilities and adequate defense time, the right to face trial, the right to appeal, the right to open proceedings, the right to be heard within the reasonable period of time, the principle of opposition or opposition, the principle of the legality of crime and punishment, the principle of innocence, The right to know the charges, with the reasons for it, the right to remain silent in the investigation and giving C, prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment during investigation, the right to confront witnesses and ask questions of the other side and so on. And finally, it should be noted that this law has paid a lot of attention to the principles of fair trial than the former laws.


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منابع انگلیسی
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