The principle of speed and up-to-date good regulation In the Iranian administrative system

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam sadiq University

2 Master of Public Law


Regulation or regulation is one of the most important functions of the executive branch, which in some cases is in the form of the preparation and approval of the rules of procedure of laws, and in others, by type of work, political or administrative authority for the performance of administrative duties, the enforcement of laws and the regulation of its administrative bodies Provisions of the law and regulations.
In some cases, his or her political or administrative authority initiates and performs administrative duties, to Providing law enforcement and regulating its administrative bodies to the enactment of the law and regulations. Meanwhile, as the principle of the hierarchy of laws and regulations requires the general policies and ordinary laws of the parliament to follow their upstream principles, The regulations of government and executive agencies should also comply with the general principles of regulation that are addressed in upstream documents, including the constitution, general policy systems, and customary laws. In the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, one of the basic it from other political systems of the world is the principle of the legality of laws and regulations.
In this paper, the authors responded to the question that "the concept and mechanism of guaranteeing the principle of the legality of laws and regulations in the legal system of Iran? Through descriptive-analytic study, the concept of the legal principle of good regulation has been investigated; its bases in two parts of the sovereignty and legal system of Iran and its guarantee mechanism have been addressed through the Guardian Council and the Administrative Justice Court as an institution for the regulation of executive agencies.


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