The Dissolution and Merger of the Non-Governmental Credit Institutions

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master of Private Law


Having a mediating role among capital holders and capital applicants in various areas, non-governmental credit institutions are very important. These institutions are directly related to people and investors, and they are responsible for financing various areas. So, any challenge in the field of their activities affect public trust in the economy of society. Therefore, proper and perfect legal mechanism for establishing, managing, and dissolving such institutions, has a great importance. 
The dissolution and merger of the credit institution as same as its establishment are important. In this study, the dissolution of the credit institution is examined. In this regard, the "Regulations on the Establishment and Governance of Non-Governmental Credit Institutions", approved in 1393, which are currently the only implementation regulation in this regard, should be investigated. The regulation lonely is not sufficient, and we should consider the other relevant banking and related laws, including the monetary and banking law of the country, the Commercial Code, the Bill of Amendment of the Commercial Code adopted in 1347 , and...
The dissolution of credit institutions and merging them are discussed separately. One of the factors that will lead to the dissolution of the credit institution will be bankruptcy and cancellation of the permit. In order to prevent the dissolution of such institutions and reduce its economic and social effects, the direct intervention of government and the membership of the institutions in the deposit guarantee fund are proposed. The merger of credit institutions unilaterally and bilaterally or multilaterally should also be considered.


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