The Ruling Principles of the Constitution-Making Process with a View on the Construction of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Assistant Professor of Public Law at the University of Imam Sadiq

2 Ph.D. of Public Law at the University of Imam Sadiq


The framework and foundation of every legal state is determined by the Constitution and Therefore, The importance of designing the requirements and mechanisms of such law is undeniable and it clarifies the benefits of ideal pattern of Constitution-making.
The possibility of legal system’s changing in every period, necessitates as a central concern in constitutional law the design of Constitution-making process desirably. Looking attentively to the effective and fundamental characteristics of this process indicates that ensuring maximum participation of people, the openness of responsible bodies’ proceedings and public awareness of them, hindrance of the interested individuals and parties in imposing the power, preventing the chaos and disorder in the country and also, ensuring the participation of elites and experts are as the most important elements in ideal designing of such process.
However it’s impossible to suggest one similar pattern for all countries, but the substantial point is how countries can attain the Constitution-making desirably in a competent process; the theme this article is to answer with a descriptive- analytical approach.


الف- فارسی
آ. کتب
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