Inspection system in investment bank

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Member of the faculty of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master of Private Law


In Iranian legal system investment bank including the financial institutions, is subject to paragraph 1 of article 21 of the market law, which provides a variety of financial services in the capital market. This company is the most complete form of financial institution, that is, it is able to provide the total services that other financial institutions provide in accordance with Article 28 of the same, the law of operation is under the supervision of the organization. And public assemblies, managers, inspector-auditor and specialized committees of the company are required to observe and enforce the laws and regulations. After obtaining a license to establish and issue a license, the company will start legal life according to the laws and regulations and is governed by the Statute of the Securities and Exchange Organization approved by the Joint Stock Company or by a public corporation , Therefore, it was necessary to review and review the system of inspections of commercial companies in accordance with the general rules of commercial companies in the Commercial Code, the amending bill and other laws and regulations related to capital market law. Considering the significant impact of investment banks on the supervision of these companies in accordance with existing laws, in addition to the customary internal inspection system in stock companies, several regulations have been approved by the Stock Exchange and In the same direction, the investment bank is required to submit to the organization periodic reports of specific issues in due time that along with these reports, the Securities and Exchange Organization also monitors the activities of investment bank through its inspectors. In addition, the central bank has been trying in many ways to oversee investment banks In order to prevent banks from entering the field of business and finance, making banks and credit institutions more attractive, banks are required to sell their shares in investment banks.


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