Document Type : Specialized Article
1 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University
2 Ph.D. student of private law at the University of Jurisprude
As contract construction has significant effects, its dissolution has important impression in right of parties. Dissolution causations -because of parties intention in it- divided to intentional dissolution and unintentional dissolution. Intentional dissolution occurs by one of the parties or third party intention in specific time which is called termination clause. The notion of unintentional dissolution is that a contract will be dissolved spontaneously and without interference of two parties intention. Whereas intention of one party or two parties does not have any effect on rescission in second group and consequently the dissolution happens unintentionally, causation of this coercive dissolution can be people's intention. This can happen when parties agree with probable dissolution of contract in future by their intention which is called dissolving condition. In this essay we try to pay attention to dissolving condition as one of unintentional dissolution causations and termination clause as one of intentional dissolution methods and in addition to comparison of these two terms in notion, circumstances, realms and effects, we want to emphasize on dissolving condition and to verify various facets of these terms; for instant the acceptability of dissolving condition in jurisprudence and Iran law can be verified, due to jurisprudence and law silence in this field.
Termination clause and dissolving condition in jurisprudence and Iran law
الف. فارسی
ب. عربی
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ج. لاتین