Comparative study of the institution of conciliation in Iranian civil procedure and international trade law

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master of Private Law


The making of differences in international trade relations is not unusual; Therefore, in order to resolve disputes, "alternative dispute resolution methods"(ADRs) such as "Conciliation" should be considered before dealing with solutions that are in difficulty. For this reason, "International Commercial Conciliation Model Law" came into force in 2002 in "UNCITRAL". On the other hand, in Iran's law there is also an institution called "compromise" which is responsible for resolving disputes between the parties to the dispute. The question that arises in this regard is: "To what extent are the rules on Conciliation in international trade law consistent with the provisions on compromise in Iranian law?" Considering what has been discussed in this paper, the compromise institution in Iranian law and international trade law are largely in line with each other; and the only difference in its form can be seen in the need for a conciliator in international trade law. The research method of this research is descriptive-analytical using library studies and has been studied through books and articles available and related to the subject matter.


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