Effects of Sex change after marriage in Iranian Law and Imamiah Jurisprudence.

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master of Private Law


In recent decades the achievements of medical science the opportunity to people with disorders of sexual and even healthy people are able to change the gender that permit or not to permit this practice and, most importantly, it works associated with the legal issues very important new recent years. In Iranian law about sex and its consequences there is no specific regulation and must according to Article 167 of the constitution must be female 3 Code of Civil Procedure ruling on this issue referring to extract the sources of Islamic law. From the perspective of jurisprudence based on principles such as the presumption of innocence, add etc so to say, do a sex change permissible and impermissible and has no contraindications.  Bzlan sex marriage is the most important Effects of sex change, the nullity of marriage, the husband of dowry and in case of non-penetrative intercourse should be half the dowry to pay wife by transgender husband still will be required to pay alimony but wife don’t need to keep missing. Also, Male guardianship over his children will not but Custody continue to comply before the change of gender for each of the couples stationed there for inheritance, by transgender, Winning couple will not inherit from each other. In the case of transgender children, he inherits from his parents on their new gender but in the case of transgender each parent, the child will inherit them under their Previous gender.


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