Limitations of Liability of Marine Carrier in Law of Iran and International Conventions

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran

2 Master of Private Law


International transport always has a great importance in the arena of world trade and the maximum volume of trade exchanges between countries is through the sea and commercial vessels. People who are in charge of marine transport always confront a lot of hazards and risks in the way of transport and delivery of goods and passengers; hence the supportive means are needed to increase their confidence coefficient for continuing their activities. Determining the scope of liability of marine carriers is one of the most effective means in this regard, therefore, the regulators of major international conventions applied it in the field of marine transport of goods by setting regulations in order to limit the liability of carriers in case of accident or damage to the goods or causing physical injuries to passengers. Brussels Convention as the first and oldest international convention on maritime transport is approved by most countries engaged in the issue of maritime transport which of course was reviewed and amended in 1968 and in the corrective protocol (Hague- Visby), the criterion for determining the scope of liability of carrier was changed and somewhat the interests of goods owner countries were considered to a greater extent.


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ب) لاتین
14. International  convention for  the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading,Hauge(1924)
15. Hauge-Visby rules protocol (1968)