The Rights of Broadcasting Organizations in International Conventions and Iran’s Law

Document Type : Specialized Article


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran

2 Master of Intellectual Property Rights


 The broadcasting organizations owing to their role in the ground of providing the public accessibility to these works and controlling their repetition has been supported by law. In this research, by utilizing the descriptive analytical method, we are following the belonged rights, probable exceptions to these rights, and their remedies; moreover, in the ground of municipal law, we deal with the prospect of Iran’s law in this issue and the adaption of acts with international deeds. In the interest of obtained results, the broadcasting organizations, todays merely have the right of issuance of authority or prevention of repetition, stabilization or, in rare situations, spreading the recorded versions, and informing with all types of sending programs. In our country, the draft of the bill of the comprehensive act of supporting the literary and artistic ownership rights and related rights has codified on the basis of sample act, WIPO, on which it is expected that the supporting level of these organizations increases to the criteria of World Intellectual Property Organization.


منابع فارسی
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اسناد و قوانین داخلی و بین المللی
• قانون ترجمه و تکثیر کتب و نشریات و آثار صوتی مصوب سال 1352
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• International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organization, Rome Convention
• The proposed WIPO treaty for the protection of rights of broadcasting, cablecasting and webcasting organizations
• WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty